上海辰山植物园 中文版


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Introduction of Shanghai Chenshan Plant Science Research Center
Chinese Academy of Sciences

In October of 2010 Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and the Shanghai Municipality established Shanghai Chenshan Plant Science Research Center (SCPSRC), a non-profit institutions engaged in plant science research. It provides scientific and technological support for the development of the Chenshan Botanical Garden, Shanghai (CBGS), co-constructed by Shanghai Municipal People's Government, the CAS and the State Forestry Administration.

MissionTo conserve plants in Eastern China, discover sustainable ways of using them, and share the knowledge and enthusiasm with the public.

Websites: Chinese  http://www.csnbgsh.cn/sites/chenshan/index.asp 
English  http://www.csnbgsh.cn/sites/chenshan/enindex.asp

Affiliated and Supervised: Shanghai Institute of Plant Physiology and Ecology (SIPPE) , Chinese Academy of Sciences

Administrations of the Research Center
Director: CHEN Xiaoya
Email: xychen@sibs.ac.cn
Tel: 021-37792288-909,021-67657815
Vice Director: HU Yonghong
Email: huyonghong@csnbgsh.cn
Tel: 021-37792288-802
Vice Director: HE Yuehui
Email: Yhhe@sibs.ac.cn 
Tel: 021-57078211